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Government of Kerala | e-services Dashboard

Forests and Wild Life Department

Online Passes, Relief Schemes

Last update: 24-Sep-2024 06:34 am

Service list with B Grade (above 75% and below 90% disposal)

Sl No Service name
(application type)
Disposal % Application Received Approved/Disposed Rejected/ Returned Processing/ Pending Service Purpose
1 Compensation due to wild life attack- Death
(Compensation Services)
1,039 702 176 161 Relief
2 Compensation due to wild life attack- House Damage
(Compensation Services)
2,004 1,377 337 290 Relief
3 Compensation due to wild life attack- Injury
(Compensation Services)
11,032 7,635 1,871 1,526 Relief
4 Compensation due to wild life attack- Property Damage
(Compensation Services)
6,183 3,943 1,344 896 Relief