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Government of Kerala | e-services Dashboard

Directorate of Handlooms and Textiles

Schemes for over-all skill upgradation of the weavers so as to produce high quality value added Handloom products

Last update: 13-Jul-2024 10:14 am

Service list with C Grade (above 40% and below 75% disposal)

Sl No Service name
(application type)
Disposal % Application Received Approved/Disposed Rejected/ Returned Processing/ Pending Service Purpose
1 Contributory Thrift Fund Scheme (CTF)
(New registration)
931 432 119 380 Handlooms and Textiles Services
2 Government Share Participation in PHWCS
(New registration)
44 11 11 22 Handlooms and Textiles Services
3 Grant for Exhibition/fair (EG)
(New registration)
350 99 44 207 Handlooms and Textiles Services
4 IIHT Expenses
(New registration)
2 1 0 1 Handlooms and Textiles Services
5 Modernisation of handloom societies and promotion of value added Products*
(New registration)
343 123 96 124 Handlooms and Textiles Services
6 Professional designers (PD)
(New registration)
24 13 0 11 Handlooms and Textiles Services
7 Providing margin money(MML) loan for quality raw materials
(New registration)
8 0 5 3 Handlooms and Textiles Services
8 Providing subsidy for quality raw material for weavers
(New registration)
99 32 21 46 Handlooms and Textiles Services
9 Rebate
(New registration)
618 186 136 296 Handlooms and Textiles Services
10 Revitilisation of Powerloom Societies
(New registration)
6 0 3 3 Handlooms and Textiles Services
11 Weavers / allied workers motivation programme/ production incentive for handloom workers
(New registration)
1,776 905 294 577 Handlooms and Textiles Services